Time for a Change

For the last year of the last 6 years I’ve had this blog, it’s time for a change.

So I will be changing it.  Not sure exactly what yet, but probably focus more on my ever more time consuming hobby of photography.

So as a start, I’m going to get me a photography look and feel, and tidy this place up!

(I’ll be keeping the Bakewell Pudding recipe though!)

Bakewell Pudding

Bakewell PuddingDuring a summer break in the Peak District, we visited Bakewell. As a fan of Bakewell tart, we were curious to try Bakewell pudding. Well it’s naughty, but V nice, and indeed preferable over a Tart. We had the fortune of visiting Bakewell again during the same break and bought another!

There are a few shops and bakeries selling the tarts and puddings, and the one we visited, The Bakewell Pudding Parlour, posts them too. So I ordered one for Christmas.

I have since ‘googled it’ to find the recipe, which is often cited as being a well kept secret, until I came across a ‘The history of Bakewell Pudding, and how to make one’ by Charlotte Morgan, over at lovefood.com.

Reading it through I warmed to the comment at the bottom of the page by Tracey015 who refered to a recipe in a Darbyshire cook book.

I’m no baker, but gave her recipe a go.  It came out pretty close indeed.  I’ve since made some more, adding ground almond too, to give the pudding a wee bit more texture.

Here’s the recipe I follow (at the moment), and one that returns a right treat, pretty much exactly how we remember it from our holiday.


  • 1 ready roll of puff pastry – I cheat!
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 3 egg whites
  • 4oz butter 6oz castor sugar
  • 1oz ground almonds
  • strawberry jam – no bits – one standard jar is more than enough, unless you like a lot of jam! 
  • 4 teaspoons of almond essence


  • Melt butter and sugar.  Lightly beat egg whites. Mix the melted butter, sugar, egg whites, yolks and almond essence together.
  • Next line a cake tin with the pastry.  I use an 8inch tin – whatever you have that the puff pastry roll will fit.
  • Spoon the jam on the pastry, a generous layer.
  • Pour the mixture carefully (so as not to disturb the jam) over the jam and fill the tin.
  • Pop it in the oven @ 220 deg C for 15 minutes, then turn the oven down to 180 deg C for 25 minutes.
  • Once cooked, allow to cool with oven door ajar, to allow it to cool slowly.
  • Then enjoy it with custard, ice cream, or my favourite, evaporated milk! YUM!!

I even had enough pastry and mixture left over to make a wee star shaped pudding for 2 🙂

This was an earlier attempt, trying to replicate the star shape we had from the Pudding Parlour.  Whilst it tasted good, the ready roll pastry was no match for the size of mould.  I ended up re rolling the pastry, so it didn’t ‘puff up’ and I had to patch it up at the extreme edges.

Bloco Fogo Caught with Olymous e620

During early September, whilst out doing some Christmas shopping in Tunbridge Wells, my son and I heard some drumming!  It’s was a samba band.  We followed our ears to investigate and found Bloco Fogo playing in the centre by the clock tower.

Luckily I had my shiny new Olympus e620 with me, in the hope I’d have cause to use it, and I did!

After successfully pushing my way through to the front, using my son’s pram as a people plough, I attached the 50 to 150mm lens and started snapping away.

Now I must stress, at the time I was still getting used to the camera, and still am!  So despite taking quite a few shots, these are the only one’s worth uploading, the rest are either out of focus, wrong exposure, or naff composition.

Bloco Fogo are an Afro-bloco samba band from Kent www.blocofogo.com.  I’ve seen them before and have to say they are rather good, very loud, colourful and energetic.  So loud in fact, that my son covered up his ears for the duration!

What do you think?

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The Old Cinema in Tunbridge Wells

RitzCinemaListening to KMFM the other day brought to my attention a site with some photos of the old and disused Ritz Cinema in the heart of Tunbridge Wells.

Fascinating…See here: Ritz Cinema Tunbridge Wells Photos

Despite never having gone there myself, I still find it fascinating to see images of what are time capsules. The site is a forum and following the thread for the Ritz Cinema, I stumbled across another site with some more photographed places of old, including the Ritz Cinema http://www.curiousplaces.co.uk/index.php

Hooked I return to the 28 Days Later forum and whiled away an hour looking at some fascinating images.

Are there any more sites out there like this I wonder? Time to Google!