Last weekend my son and I took part in a photo-walk around the Grosvenor & Hilbert Park, located in Tunbridge Wells, at 10:30 Sunday the 7 of May.

We are familiar with the park, but there’s nothing like tagging on to an organised walk to get you to look around from a different angles.
It was a misty grey morning, which you’d think wasn’t ideal photography weather, but I enjoyed the challenge, and found “Dehaze” in Adobe Lightroom, most helpful.

Thanks to the Friends of Grosvenor & Hilbert Park for organising the event, encouraging my son and I to start Sunday early.
Below are the rest of my shots, which went head to head in competition with my son’s shots. My wife judged and this time I won! Not always the case.
Good action shot of the skaters!
Thanks 😃